Sunday, July 6, 2014

Settling In

I have been at Kingston for about 5 days and I can honestly say I love it here! The people, the atmosphere and everything about it I just love. The past few days have felt like a blur, from getting here on the plane to getting settled and meeting everyone but it has all been so fun.

I am currently staying in one of Kingston University's resident halls called Seething Wells. At Kingston, their resident halls are not right on campus like they are at Central. Our hall is about a 20 minute walk to the main campus which is where our classes will be held. When it comes to the dorms, they are very similar to what I would imagine a dorm room to look like. But in the United Kingdom, they call the dorms flats and you share your flat with 4 other people, as well as a kitchen. I will include some pictures of my room so you can get a better view of what the rooms look like.


On Friday, we started our first official day of classes. The classes I will be taking are called, Exploring Cultural London and British Culture and Society. They are both very much based on how things have developed and changed over the years in both England and London. For these classes, they work a little different than classes at CMU. I will be spending most of my time out of the classroom going to the things that we are actually talking about. We will be taking a lot of field trips to different places so that we are able to take in the extent of history some of these places hold.

Yesterday we were sent into London in groups to explore and do a scavenger hunt. The idea was to help us get better acquainted with the London Underground and the bus system before we had to go into London by ourselves for class. We got to see so many different things including, The London Eye, Big Ben, and so many more.

Tomorrow is my first trip into London for one of my classes, I will be going to The Shard and The Museum of London.  I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me.